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Bezalel 2014

The annual exhibition of Bezalel graduates is the most fascinating students' show in Israel, renowned for its exceptional originality. The exhibition will present throughout the campus paintings, sculptures, photographs, design works, jewelry and fashion wear and accessories, installations, performances, video and animation films, ceramics and glass objects.The exhibition will feature final projects of students graduating from the departments of Fine Arts, Industrial Design, Visual Communication, Photography, Jewelry and Fashion, Screen-Based Arts, Ceramic and Glass Design and Architecture (the Architecture Department exhibition is held in a building downtown on 1 Bezalel Street, corner of Shmuel HaNagid, Jerusalem).


The accomplishments of the students, as they are expressed in the exhibition, are the product of a profound research, cutting edge technology, examination of new materials, curiosity and ingenuity that propel the students and their teachers to constantly try and push the envelope. During their final year, the students in the different departments took part in international exhibitions and festivals, some even reached first places.The graduate exhibition, in which thousands of exhibits of the 2014 graduates will be displayed, is comprised of a broad range of personal projects that engage with a variety of themes, from personal subjects, to ones that touch on Israeli reality and questions about life, to innovative creative ideas in the fields of product development alongside a preoccupation with origins, roots and tradition.


A visit to the exhibition (admission free) will allow the general public an unmediated experience of encountering the fascinating works by students in the fields of art, design, and architecture, and provide a glimpse into the world of the next generation in those fields.  

Project Type




The Academy of Art and Design, Bezalel






Curator and Exhibition Designer



The whole school








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